Treatment Type Descriptions

raineforest At Rainesforest we have over 20 different types of massage. You do not need to be an expert on what treatment you need, so you can ask us to help you chose a suitable treatment for your needs. Here’s some information to help you understand the different massages available. Not all therapists are equal, so if you have particular requirements for your treatment, we aim to match the best available therapist for your needs. Also you need to tell us if you require a Health Fund Receipt so that we can ensure we provide you with a therapist registered with your particular Health Fund.
acupressure Acupressure

A treatment based on Traditional Chinese Medicine using meridans, lines of energy flow, and point locations to which pressure if applied to enhance energy flow and release tensions. (Acupuncture uses a similar approach but with the use of needles instead of finger and hand pressure). You can chose to have this style of treatment fully clothed, or incorporated within a standard massage treatment.

aromatherapy Aromatherapy

Your treatment requirements determine the selection of appropriate botanical essences or essential oils to help achieve a specific outcome. This can be as diverse as assistance with a health challenge or just to help you heal and relax. Your skin is your body’s largest organ and so is perfect as a holistic doorway for the body to absorb healing nutrients contained in the massage oils.

bowen Bowen Therapy

A very specialized and non invasive treatment involving subtle techniques, not necessarily massage based. It seeks to encourage change between tissue relationships in your body, and involves different levels of spacial relationships within your body.You can ring and ask to speak with a Bowen Therapy Specialist to help to explain how Bowen Therapy might help you with improving your current health.

cancer Cancer – Oncology Massage to help with clients living with Cancer

Special training by the Australian ‘Quest for Life’ Foundation has been undertaken by our Oncology Massage Therapists. Treatments are tailored to each individual, and appropriate for different health challenges. Please ring and ask to speak with one of our specialised therapists to discuss your best treatment assistance.

cranio Cranio Sacral

This is a very subtle, gentle, non intrusive style of treatment, working specifically on the relationship between the skull bones, cerebral fluids, spinal column and sacrum area at the base of your spine. Rainesforest just has one therapist who is fully qualified to help you with this very specialised treatment. Su Tindall, one of our Master Therapists, is available for appointments on Wednesdays for this treatment and she needs to be booked in advance to help you with a Cranio Sacral visit.

deep tissue Deep Tissue/hard pressure

Originally this style of treatment meant that your therapist worked on tissue located deeper within the body, rather than with just tissue located closer to the surface of your skin (connective and muscular tissue). Nowadays, the more general understanding of this style of massage is that hard pressure is required for the full delivery of the treatment. Not all therapists are able to deliver this demanding style of massage, and so we very much need you to specify that you are looking for a hard pressure/deep tissue treatment AT THE TIME OF BOOKING.

de stress De-stress treatments

See Relaxation treatments below

de tox De-tox Treatments

See lymphatic drainage massage below.

kahuna Kahuna

This is a Hawaiian-based style of treatment which involves long, slow, flowing encouragement of physical and spiritual health.

lymphatic Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Lymphatic Drainage MassageWe love this style of treatment for its recognised health enhancing benefits in a world of increasing toxicity and chemicals. It is slow, light and gently pumping in nature to encourage your body’s defence system to remove foreign substances and toxins from entering the blood. It is very light (superficial), involves rhythmic pushing, is non invasive, and helps with swelling relief, post operative healing, clearing congestion/inflammation and offers help with deep relaxation, headaches, and sinus pressure.

myofascial Myofascial

This treatment is concerned with the health of your connective tissue, the coverings of muscular and other tissue within your body. We use sliding and movement hand techniques to encourage restrictions to release and let go. Once we have the connective tissue with less restrictions, it is often easier to make greater progress with improvements in muscular tissue function.

oncology Oncology Massage for clients living with cancer

See description under ‘cancer’ above. We feel very privileged to help our clients in their journey and care for our fellow man/woman.

pregnancy Pregnancy

Here we discuss your treatment needs and tailor a treatment plan to suit your stage and state. We can use seated treatment approaches for neck and shoulder relief, left-side lying massage table positioning for back and sacro-iliac area relief. From this position we can access our feet and lower limbs to help with swelling and ease discomfort.We can tailor your treatment with greater safety and ease using positioning and cushioning expertise. No essential oils are used in this treatment, just vitamin E enriched natural massage oils. As a special treat, we give every Mother a take-home portion of a natural stretch –mark lotion to assist with easing this skin challenge.

reflexology Reflexolgy

A Traditional Chinese Medicine approach to health care. Using special point locations usually on the feet, and the idea of meridians of energy flow, this treatment encourages the body to holistically change, improve and heal from within.

reiki Reiki

This treatment can be used as a clothed hands-on alternative, or incorporated into a standard massage treatment. The idea is to work with the concept of vibrational energy, focussed intentions and spiritual support. Please call us to discuss your treatment needs with a Reiki specialist.

relaxation Relaxation

De-stress, stop, and take time to allow your body to rest. A relaxation massage encourages the body and mind to focus on your inner world and activate its natural healing within. We are encouraging progress on a number of different levels at once, working with your muscular system, nerves, circulation, lymphatic and emotional calming. Everybody needs relaxation on the road to wellness.

remedial Remedial

Here we work on a specific location to ‘remedy’ problems being experienced. These problems may include pain, restriction of movement, abnormal structural alignment, overuse, torn tissue, adhesions etc. Should your problem involve neural (nerve) tissue, or skeletal compromises, (in addition to the soft tissue which a massage therapist is able to work with), then your therapist will assist you by referring you onto a more suitable healthcare professional.

rolfing Rolfing

This treatment helps the body to function more earily and efficiently by improving posture and releasing pain patterns. It realigns your body by using deep slow techniques and active movement (not massage). A series of appointments is needed to achieve the greatest results. Su Tindall, one of our Master Therapists, is available on Wednesdays for Rolfing Treatments. She is internationally accredited as a Rolfing Practitioner.

shiatsu Shiatsu

This is a pressure point style of massage which is combined with stretching techniques. It uses the Traditional Chinese Medicine approach to point locations and meridians of energy to release energy blockages and muscle tightnesses.

sports Sports

This is a special type of massage that helps your body cope with pre and post event training. It is usually a more active style of treatment which is designed to flush out buildups of chemicals resulting from high levels of physical performance (eg lactic acid). It is stimulating in nature to activate neural (nerve) and muscular tissue and the relationship between the two.

therapeutic Therapeutic

This word means to bring benefit to a body. Most massage treatments are based round a goal of creating a change and difference to your body as a consequence of techniques applied to tissue.

trigger point Trigger Point

Designed to specifically address deep adhesions within muscle tissue. Focussed and sustained pressure is applied by a therapist’s fingers to encourage abnormalities within a muscle to release and remove pain/discomfort from the local area being worked on and also in other areas displaying referred pain. We ask you to assist the release of the affected muscle tissue by deep breathing through the release of sometimes significant pain. We work together, encourage your involvement, and take the necessary and sometimes significant period of time required to get full release of the problem adhesion.

travel Travel Made Easy Treatments

Travel Made Easy TreatmentsPreparing for a long aeroplane flight can be very helpful for your body. Similarly, coping with the after effects can be essential for many people. There is much a massage treatment can do to help with circulation, encouraging muscles to unwind after being movement restricted, for long hours, in small seats, and the rigours of dealing with jetlag. We tailor your treatment to suit your requirements and draw from a number of different massage styles to help. Aromatherapy oils can also help to minimise the impact on your body. We work together with you to achieve the best result for you.